Monday, July 5, 2010

As I begin to write I must admit I am asking myself why I am doing this and rolling my eyes!!!, lets see...Couple of reasons: One-I used to journal all the time before Keith came along and I loved it. Second and probably the main reason is I have been inspired to do so. I follow this one blogger who with every new blog post she writes I some how find inspiration in it. She is amazing and has been such a inspiration to me. I don't even know this women but her story is beautiful and I feel as if we have been friends forever!! She pours out her heart and her ambition to enjoying the small things encourages me to do the same. So with that sad I hope to share my heart about the people I love, the things that I am passionate about, the God I serve, and all the small things that are beautiful in life. Just maybe I can inspire someone too!! Looking forward to this new and exciting journey!!